Recent Question/Assignment
Problem solving question
Value: 15%
Due date: 12-Apr-2015
Return date: 03-May-2015
Length: Approximately2500 words
Submission method options
N/A - submission not required/applicable
Refer to the relevant case law and statute law in your answer. you must read the presentation guidelines in the subject outline. In planning and preparing your response you may find the following site useful:
Bob is a tax resident of Australia and is employed as a photographer at Image Pty Ltd. In the year ended 30 June 2014 he earned a salary of $60,000, car allowance of $8,000 and reimbursement for his car parking expenses of $1,210. Bob also does part time photography during the weekend from his home studio with an income of $10,000 for the year ended 30 June 2015. Nancy and her family have their photograph taken at Bob’s studio. Since Nancy is Bob’s sister, he only charged her for the cost of prints,
Nancy loves gardening and whenever he visits Bob she will maintain his garden at no cost.
Please advise Bob and Nancy of their tax consequences, if any.
This assessment task covers topics (name them) and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. :
This assignment has been designed to assess your ability to:
• gather and integrate your knowledge on the topics covered thus far;
• investigate in depth the cases, rulings and legislation that are fundamental to taxation law;
• demonstrate your ability to apply that knowledge to a hypothetical, practical situation;
• exercise critical and reflective judgement;
• demonstrate your ability to conduct research using provided materials as well as other legal resources;
• develop your written skills; and
• demonstrate time management skills.
Students should be able to identify and apply legislation and case law to the issues identified as well as demonstrate the ability to analyse the issues fully and discuss the application of taxation principles
Marking criteria
In assessing your assignment the marker will expect you to:
present an essay that is readable and coherent;
use appropriate language, correct spelling and grammar;
identify and analyse relevant issues;
explain and apply relevant cases, rulings and legislation;
reach a sound and well-reasoned conclusion;
use appropriate referencing; and
demonstrate time management skills.
Your mark will depend upon the degree in which you demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered thus far, and the overall presentation of your essay. For guidance, please refer to the section 'Grades and assessment guide'.
The following criteria will form the basis of assignment of marks for the problem solving question.
Identification of relevant legal issues
Identifies no relevant issues or only a few of them. Some of these may be unclearly formulated. Clearly identifies some legal issues. May or may not formulate them correctly. Identifies and correctly formulates most major legal issues. Correctly identifies legal issues and formulates them with precision, with only minor errors. Comprehensive coverage and identification of all legal issues, which are formulated with precision.
Explanation of law and citation of relevant legal authority
Provides incorrect or limited explanation of the law using no, or only a limited range of, authority. Provides a basic explanation of the law, but with significant errors, substantiated by some legal authority. Provides a substantial explanation of the law but with some errors, substantiated by significant legal authority. Provides a comprehensive explanation of the law with few errors, substantiated by comprehensive authority. Provides a complete explanation of the law, fully supported by authority, with no errors.
Application of legal principles to the facts
Paper does not correctly apply law to the facts and / or applies incorrect law. May be descriptive, rather than putting forward a reasoned argument. Makes a basic attempt to apply the law to the facts, but applies wrong law and / or contains significant errors in the application. Applies the law correctly to most issues arising from the facts, but with some errors. Applies the law correctly to the facts so as to address all issues, with only minor errors. Applies the law to the facts so as to reach a correct conclusion on all issues, with no errors.
Compliance with the Style Guide and overall structure.
20% Poor, inconsistent or inaccurate use of Style Guide. Poorly structured. Inadequate or no use of paragraphs. May have disregarded the ILAC model. Limited or inconsistent use of Style Guide. Some attempt at use of ILAC model and at structuring of answer. Adequate use of Style Guide, with some errors or lapses. Uses ILAC model and is clearly structured. Uses Style Guide accurately and with only minimal errors.
Uses ILAC model. Well structured, with one main argument introduced per paragraph. Uses Style Guide comprehensively, accurately and consistently. Uses ILAC model. Extremely well structured and organised, with one main argument introduced per paragraph, supported by well-written supporting sentences.
Written expression and editing.
15% Poor grammar, spelling and/ or punctuation. Paper gives no evidence of having been proof-read. Significant spelling, grammar and punctuation errors but the paper is readable and demonstrates some attempt at proofreading. Uses appropriate academic writing which is formal and impersonal, with a few spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Paper demonstrates evidence of proofreading. Uses appropriate academic writing which is formal, and impersonal with only very minor spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Paper demonstrates careful proofreading. Uses appropriate academic writing which is formal, impersonal and which contains no spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Paper demonstrates careful proofreading.
Appropriate referencing
10% Others’ work has not been acknowledged Others’ work has been acknowledged, although it does not comply with the required referencing style. Others’ work has been acknowledged in the body of the work and in a reference list at the end. Some errors or omissions evident. Others’ work has been clearly acknowledged in the body of the work and in a reference list at the end. Few errors or omissions detected. All work acknowledged and referenced correctly.
The above problem solving question rubic marking assessment was adopted from Bede Harris, Senior Lecturer of Law, Charles Sturt University
Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 spaced, at least 2.5 cm margin on each side. .