Recent Question/Assignment

Assignment 2 Ethical analysis of news issue
Due:11 pm Monday 6 April, 2015
Length:2,000 words max.
You are required to select an ethical issue which has been reported in the news media in the past 12 months. Collect one recent (2014 or 2015) news article that discusses th eissue, and perform further research to collect relevant background information and facts, to enable you to answer each question listed below.
This ethical issue must be different from the issue which you analysed in Assignment 1.
Your assignment must be submitted electronically via the MySCU SOC10236 unit site using the Turnitin assignment submission function. For more information on Turnitin, see .
You must provide a full reference of all sources of information you have used to inform your research. Provide separate answers to each of parts ‘a to e’ of this assessment under clearly headed sections:
a.Clearly define the ethical issue and provide a brief explanation as to why it is important. (3 marks)
b.Identify facts and key assumptions which are relevant to your analysis of the ethical issue. (6 marks)
c.Analyse the ethical issue using act utilitarianism, identifying all relevant consequences. Compare negative versus positive consequences and assess whether net utility will rise or fall as a result of the ethical act being examined. (8 marks)
d.Apply Kant’s categorical imperative by defining the rule that authorises the act central to the ethical issue you have chosen. Discuss whether this rule can be applied universally. (8 marks)
e.Provide a conclusion comparing results in parts c & d above identifying whether your ethical conclusion equates with your conscience on this issue. (5 marks)
You do not need to provide a copy of the news article but you must provide full references of all articles and other sources you have used to inform your ethical analysis.
Online sources of ethical analysis are provided on the MySCU unit Notice Board. Analysis by Institute for Global Ethics and the St James Ethics Centre are highly recommended sources for information and ethical analysis.

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